I, a-man-just-like-thee, on this day no-one lays claim to, not in the spirit, and not on Patmos, having ruminated on the words of Solomon ibn David ibn Jesse, the lamenter of old, do agree with him of blessed memory, that beyond death, and above all there is, in addition to its joys and sorrows, that all of mans labour is in vain and vanity upon vanity. It is indeed better that man never was born. Therefor says I:
Blessed are the never-born, they neither experience joy nor sadness
Blessed are the dead, for sorrow is now alien to them
Blessed are the long-gone, the sands of time has wiped away their misdeeds
Blessed are they who have passed on, no harm can befall
Blessed are the truly fallen, never to rise again, therefore never to fall again
Blessed are the forgotten, because neither pain nor regret is remembered
Blessed are the shades, having no substance, are no longer bound to the earth
Blessed art thou, when thy time runs out, for only then art thou truly beyond the reach of the evil that men do
Blessed art thou when thy sojourn ends, it is the beginning of eternity.