I should really be asleep, but while trying to do so these thoughts continued to swell in my mind. Hopefully after I put them down I will drift off for some hours. The ideas are not new, I have been ruminating on variations for a while
OK, here goes
Kids: 2 is enough for every couple
kids sex: personally, I want 2 handsome athletic boys. Twins is OK, one after the other with say 2 years difference in age is OK
Marriage: marry someone better looking than you are – you owe it to your kids. You are giving them a head-start in this complex world if they look good.
Men: marry beautiful women (yes, Godly, loving, compassionate – all these I assume you have already made sure of) or at least marry a woman who is more beautiful than you are handsome (or ugly if applicable)
Women: marry a handsome man (yes, Godly, loving, compassionate – all these I assume you have already made sure of) or as handsome as you are beautiful
Women/Men: marry someone with any visible physical deformity (congenital etc – results of injuries don’t count) ONLY if it does not run in the family. Take me for example, as far as I know, no one else has the same or similar physical deformity in my extended family that I know of – so it may be be safely assumed within reason, that mine was just a glitch in the formation of the fertilized cell (while developing) that is the person I am now.
Actually it may be argued that, were it not for selfish reasons, deformed people should of their own volition, choose not to pro-create in order to avoid the possibility of bestowing such a legacy on future generations. We may no longer be in the earlier ages when physical strength and makeup was all that counted towards survival, but in this world which is still infatuated with outward appearances, one should as much as possible ensure that future generations are as perfect physically as possible.
Women: don’t marry a fat man unless you like or don’t mind the paunch. The love handle is not restricted to the sides as you feed him.
Men: don’t marry a fat lady unless you that’s what you want/like. Marriage makes even the thinnest of ladies “voluptuous”. At least if you start out regular, it sort of grows on you. That way you almost don’t notice it and it is acceptable. Afterall, it’s both your creation.
Generally, for both men and women, once married, it’s down-hill from there (talking about weight)