If you are in a position where you render services to others, and in addition to that you have people assisting you in that process (subordinate or otherwise) – here is a piece of advise. If you don’t take it, you are in good company – neither do I.
In this connected world, you have got to take precautions …
The world’s going to hell in a hand basket and everyone wants a piece
There are people out there (so is the truth) who want what you have;
There are people out there who want to take away what you have because it’s useful to them;
There are people out there who would take what you have away because they want it;
There are people out there who want to take away what you have, not because they want it, but just for the hell of it
You’ve got to be able to step back (and step forward – in your face, you sucker!) and take a critical look at all those around you – it’s not paranoia – it’s the difference between carrying the can and canning the cankerworm!
You’ve got to be able to pat them on the back when they do well – even reward them. You’ve also got to be able to say to yourself – what if … I have to let them go because they did something wrong – what if I have to let them go for some reason not related to their performance e.g., the credit crunch. What would the erstwhile golden staff do – drop your database? Copy all your customer data and sell it to the competition? Copy all your proprietary I.P.s and come up with a competing product? Commit arson? Go postal?
You get the idea …
Here are 2 quotes for you to live by:
1. There is no limit to what can be achieved, if you don’t care who gets the glory (some famous contemporary person said it)
2. There is no limit to the damage that can be done, if you don’t care who get’s the blame (I said it)
With these two clouding your judgment in equal proportions, you are ready for prime time. Go take on the world!
it’s you against your colleagues;
you, your colleagues against the establishment;
you, your colleagues and your organization against the Net.
Get cracking!