It was hot
It was dry
It was so humid
I could cry
It was Lagos
It was night
It was Jos
It was bright
He was sweating on the bed
She had rashes on her neck
He scratched till it bled
She opted for a trek
It was hot
It was dry
It was so humid
I could cry
It was you
Like Sunshine
It is me
Seeking solace in moonshine
It was thundering
I hoped it would rain
My mind is wandering
No reprieve from the pain
Enjoy the weather while it last, because cold weather is approaching when hot water will be our best friend and cost of beverages increase in the market and when clothes are outside for days
before they are dry.
Time is everything.
Time to cry
Time to smile
Dry season
Raining/wet season
Time to be born
Time to rest in the Lord.
Lets just appreciate it.
We are better than those in the prison cells
Whose Freedom to move around to get fresh air are deprived off.