

I owe God a question
And I know he will answer
I love it when it rains
I love the feel on my face
I love the thunder
I love the lightning
I love the crashing of the waves

I owe God a question
But first I will be refreshed by the heavens
I want to go running through the night
Free to shoot up like an arrow to the sky
Then fall like dead-weight back to earth
Turning and twisting at the last
Like a dragonfly skimming lightly over the waters

What is Liberty?
What is hope?
What is freedom
What is life itself?

I owe God a question
But I am distracted by the rain
I am back in my boyhood days
In my dorm lying on my bunk
Looking through the window
The heavens weeping for joy
While I ponder the sadness
That comes with the longing for home

I owe God a question
But I am busy listening to the rain
I like the music of the drops on the roof
I like the smell of the water in the field
I like the mud sucking at my feet
Like fairy fetters made of soil

I owe God a question
But that is for later when I see His face
Right now I want a pair of wings
To go skimming through the rain
Tattooed by the drops
Buffeted by the winds
Like a dragonfly on the wings!

4:04am 08-March-2016

One thought on “Dragonfly

  1. Lovely poem!
    Easier to comprehend than those read before now.
    Its good to appreciate nature.
    So lovely and makes one to wonder how God really looks like.

    I like rain too but never loved the sound of thunders and lightening because they make me look for where to hide under my Dad’s Agbada. (Laughing)
    We all have questions to ask the creator, I just wish to make heaven first before I ask my questions but for now, I will appreciate the rain too but Without thunders and lightning.

    Rain reminds me of my mother’s hot pap and not hot tea.
    Tea was meant for Sunday morning bread
    It reminds me how we used to run around under the rain especially when parents are not at home
    It also reminds me how we feel when working on the farm and the grass hitches our skin
    It also reminds me of how we used to harvest corn and eat when in the hut in the farm. We gather round the fire to keep ourselves warm as we eat corn and talk about school.
    It reminds me of Yam and garden egg sauce during rain because children like this especially before going to school.

    Rain reminds me of the day my Dad came back from Akure and unknown to me, I didn’t hear the sound of his car, I was enjoying myself as I heard my name, I felt I should be swallowed by the ground. I was given the beaten of my life. I will never forget this faithful afternoon.

    Rain Rain Rain
    One only enjoys rain when if it meets you are the right place otherwise, you will regret coming out of your home.
    Thanks for the piece.

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