Lasik eye surgery

I don’t have a personal experience of any sort of eye surgery but I think I need to put this here in case someone considering Lasik sees it.

Just a word of caution to do your research. When it goes wrong it is supposedly life changing to the point some people are considering suicide. Google for bad effects such as starburst, ghosting, and dry eyes.

Make sure you consider the pros and cons before committing to it. There are just too much adverts on the TV which is of course paid for by their organization that I think it is almost evil that medicine has become commercialized to the degree it is especially in the US. “Schedule your “free” consultation now, the surgery is so quick and can be had for as low as $220 per eye. We even offer a payment plan ….”

Note I have nothing against the surgery but given the amount of people with negative outcome, it is worth warning people to do their research before having the surgery. I know one should do ones research for any surgical procedure but the medical profession is one of those (with good justification) that we tend to believe with little question. But this Lasik surgery thing is so glamorized on TV and other social media outlets it’s become disconcerting.

True, no one is getting out of life alive, but hopefully we have reasonably good health for as long as possible.

Be good.


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