Nessie’s keep

Nessie’s keep (March-04-2019)

Call it what you wish but not Nessie
Or Bessie
Not even Jessie

Could you pat its head?
Hug its long neck?
Or ride its arched back?

It ate children and adults alike
Sheep and cattle when it liked
Fear what beneath the surface lurks
Pay attention to what roils the murk

It is the kraken of the deep
It is leviathan of the keep
Watch your footing lest you slip

The Chupacabra

The Chupacabra

The night was long
And I didn’t have a song
So I went for a walk
Rather than toss and sulk

I took two candelabra
And met a Chupacabra
I asked him where he was going
“To eat you, I am going”

He might talk funny
But he was no bunny
“I am 200 and drink a lot of pop”
“My blood is diluted and would ruin your sup”

Better to leave this hood
And head to Hollywood
There are 600s with fat to spare
All you can drink and none would care

So I gave him some money
And my lunchbox too
He said “Is it veggie? It smells funny”
“No way in hell, I am a carnivore too”

If you think it’s not worth much
Surviving his clutch
I met a Chupacabra
Top that, you son-of-a-cabra!

Beethoven Akinjiwonuola III

Beethoven Akinjiwonuola III
(April 3, 2018. 6:38am)

Let me tell you about Beethoven Akinjiwonuola III (it’s alright if you can’t pronounce his name properly; I can’t either).

Yes, his mother named him after the famous composer.
But unfortunately he held the violin’s bow the way he held his fork.
And he couldn’t tell a music note from a Greek letter.
His music teachers gave up in despair and one said even the Sphinx can’t solve the riddle of how it was possible to be so utterly lacking in talent.
In other words Beethoven couldn’t do music if his life depended on it.
That of course was the source of much angst From friends and foes alike. No wonder of course, with a name like Beethoven.

But there was one thing Beethoven liked doing – that was running.
Unfortunately his other issue had made him much too shy, so no one ever knew about his true gift.
Beethoven grew up more or less in obscurity.
You could always find him near the curtains at parties.
Or pretending to be furniture.
Or at the refreshment table debating whether a piece of bread or a croissant is the way to go.
Because he never did learn how to make small talk, all the girls with no exception found him curious but no fun at all. As one put it “disturbing and nice” (but nice never a boyfriend made.)

Nevertheless Beethoven knew how to run.
He ran past the rectory which caused the priest to think the second coming was at hand.
Leading to several sermons on how the congregation ought to be ready because no one he said, can outrun the coming apocalypse.

He ran past the bakery.
The wind rushed through the oven
The fire burnt so hot it turned all that day’s bread to ashes.
And for the first time since old Mr. Peterson (the war hero) could recall, there was not a loaf of fresh bread in all the town.

He ran across the river.
And all that witnessed it said the river was parted for a minute.
With fishes flapping on dry ground.
Just like the Red Sea in Moses days.

He ran past the court house.
And blew away all the papers.
The clerk said there were no copies
The accused was teetering at heaven’s door anyway.
So the judge set him free for lack of evidence.

He ran through the cornfield.
All the ears of corn fell off their stalks, peeled themselves, and the grains jumped off the cobs and piled up at one end of the field.
The farmers woke up to the miracle of the harvest.

He ran and he ran and he ran, and he ran and he ran into the past.
No he didn’t grow younger like Benjamin Button.
But he ran so fast and so far that his grown self met his preteen self.
So he told his young self what he ought to do and what he ought not to do.

One would have thought that was the end of it. But no, he didn’t stop running. He ran, and he ran, and he ran all the way to that first day when there was no day and no night and the earth was just a chunk of darkness spinning in the nothingness. Then he ran some more.

No one truly knows what became of Beethoven Akinjiwonuola III. (It’s alright if you can’t pronounce his name properly; I can’t either). But it seems very likely that he just ran out of time.

Ayotunde Itayemi (April 3, 2018. 7:21 am)



I owe God a question
And I know he will answer
I love it when it rains
I love the feel on my face
I love the thunder
I love the lightning
I love the crashing of the waves

I owe God a question
But first I will be refreshed by the heavens
I want to go running through the night
Free to shoot up like an arrow to the sky
Then fall like dead-weight back to earth
Turning and twisting at the last
Like a dragonfly skimming lightly over the waters

What is Liberty?
What is hope?
What is freedom
What is life itself?

I owe God a question
But I am distracted by the rain
I am back in my boyhood days
In my dorm lying on my bunk
Looking through the window
The heavens weeping for joy
While I ponder the sadness
That comes with the longing for home

I owe God a question
But I am busy listening to the rain
I like the music of the drops on the roof
I like the smell of the water in the field
I like the mud sucking at my feet
Like fairy fetters made of soil

I owe God a question
But that is for later when I see His face
Right now I want a pair of wings
To go skimming through the rain
Tattooed by the drops
Buffeted by the winds
Like a dragonfly on the wings!

4:04am 08-March-2016



I am blank
Like a blackboard
Freshly blacked
Streaks of nothingness

I am blank
Like an expanse of the ocean
The leviathan rules the depths
So false is the surface calm

I am blank
Like a field freshly burnt
Black is the basis of new life
But black is also the sorrow that rode the flames

I am blank
Give in to the black hole
It should suck my past away
But would my consciousness survive

I am blank
I should enjoy each new experience
I have tried hard and harder
But without you I am lost

and blank

21/02/2016 (1:35am)


I wrote the following some time after I learnt of Sergio’s passing. It’s on my Facebook timeline. It contains a lot of references to events during the short time I knew him.
It’s roughly a year since his passing.

All we have now are memories

How did we part?
Vaguely remember
Was it at the car park 
Or was it at the house?

Punta Cana
Wish I woulda
Still hope you coulda

I see your face!
Your smile
Your voice
Your ease

Your Bunny!
Your folks
Your kids
Your friends

Not even a year ago
That I got to know you
Did we start with hello
Or a hug in June

Those who miss you
The tears they shed
Those who knew you
Their eyes are red

The flames of life
The struggle, the strife
All lie down one by one
Strange as it is, you are truly gone

All we have now are memories.


She is Iwo Jima

She is Iwo Jima

She is Iwo Jima
Men like myself
Hoped to survive
Make it to the end

To plant the flag
Amidst the raging storm
To make a stake
Never mind the shells

But I broke myself on her slopes
Remember me
My bones bleached white
If they remain at all

The wooden cross
That marked my shallow grave
Long ago disappeared
Eaten by time and termites too

But where would I rather be
There’s no comfort anywhere
There’s no going home
Sing a dirge for the man that was

The desire for glory
The ache for her love
Trumps all reasoning
I – will – never – leave

The endless rain
Brings mud and despair
Yet even on those dark slopes
I look up at the skies in hope

Is God smiling, or shaking his head
Braver men found their match
Some went home broken
The rest became dreams

These tired legs – these tattered boots
These grip-less fingers – these unseeing eyes
These knots in my belly
This hunger in my soul

29,000 ghosts call her home
The sands red with their blood
She won’t be taken lightly
No, not her body, and not her soul

When she’s good and ready
The rains will stop
The sun will shine
She will give herself to whom she wills

She is Iwo Jima
Win the battle lose the war
Lose the battle win the war
Nothing can save me now

I will lay me down
The boat is burnt
There’s no escape
I embrace my fate

I take my place among many
Broken on her shores
Vague memories
Beyond redemption

She is Iwo Jima

07-June-2015. Hawaii.

The Lone Walker

The lone walker

I met a man
Spotting a tan
Sitting by the quay
Looking at the bay

I sat by him
Didn’t say a word
Solace in silence
Or maybe it was shyness

He said he died yesterday
This was the new him
I couldn’t tell the difference
Could I decipher by inference

Was the new him
Better than the old him
Would the new him
Slay the ghost of the old him

No answer was forthcoming
Maybe he was brainstorming
Then I saw his reflection in the beam
He was me and I was him!