These Karma “quotes” are from a story I wrote recently. The story may never see the light of day. But my sister (Yetty) who has read it put one of the quotes up on FB, so I decided I might as well put all the Karma quotes from the story up as a blog entry.
And no, the story isn’t titled “Karma” 🙂
- Karma always wins. No exceptions.
- Karma is an avalanche you didn’t see or feel coming until it hits you.
- The problem with Karma is that you can’t tell in what currency she wants repayment, or for how long, or when, or where.
- Karma, just like murder, has no statutes of limitation.
- Karma is like a spring loaded door you pushed open and forgot about. It’s going to hit you in the face on its return.
- Karma is like throwing sh*t at a typhoon fan and hoping someone else takes the hit. You can’t get out of the way fast enough even if you tried.
- Karma is in no hurry. It’s like a father watching a son misbehave in public and thinking of the rod waiting at home just inside the front door.
- Karma is the sadistic guard on the night shift. Coming round every once in a while to brain you with a truncheon just because of the way you look.
- Karma crosses a bridge, and burns it to the ground. There is no going back.
- Karma takes no prisoners.
- An eye for an eye makes Karma’s day.
- Karma can watch you struggle all the way to the top of Everest then trip you up on the very last step. That’s how she rolls, and it’s a long way down.
- Karma’s got a direct line to each person. We dial her number by our actions. It may take a while for her to show up, but you can bet your future on it, she will.
- Karma always wins. No exceptions. (rinse, repeat)