Bobby Ray

Bobby Ray

What will we do for little bobby Ray?

He did as he was told
He carried his bag in the cold
A little figure: he was bold
All the way with the ticket he was sold

Billy Blanks was no longer a lad
But just as always he was sad
A little help: he wouldn’t have been bad
But everyone thought he was a cad

What really happened no one can tell
But Billy Banks should go to hell
For Bobby Ray: they rang the bell
Because the police found a shell

So I shed a tear for Bobby Ray
Oh. He always had a lot to say
Last I saw: he was all over the bay
What a little soul to slay

Billy Banks was put behind bars
He won’t be stealing any more cars
No one will miss him: send him to Mars
Up in the sky shines Bobby Ray’s stars

Dead-man’s Pass

Dead-man’s Pass

Up in the hills
Where the wind whistles through the trees
There is a tiny pass
Where men have given all they had
To control that which was there before their time

Their ghosts still haunt the rocks and ravens below
Stay still for a moment
See out of the corners of your eyes their fleeting form
Feel their breathes upon your shoulder
Looking for what – it’s difficult to tell

Both slaves and free alike
Rich and poor the same
All perish alike – food for the worms
No forge has yet minted the coin to stay death’s withered hand
For when upon the shoulder it rests
Not even the cords that bind can save a soul

Up in the hills
The patched earth kills the very grass that holds the soil in place
The vultures’ bones are just as white as the bones of the men who fought and bickered and died
I stood still and let the winds carry away my thoughts
Replacing them with the whispers of men long dead
Their desires and aches
Their loves and hates
At Dead-man’s Pass

You can’t sell your soul to anyone

You can’t sell your soul to anyone

There is a falsehood that has been propagated down through the centuries: “that a man can sell his soul to the devil” – this is a lie of the devil (literally). You cannot legally sell what is not yours. A conman may be able to sell another’s property and even get away with it. But you cannot sell what is God’s in the same way: even the devil is not in a position to buy it from you. The devil cannot buy or own a soul. True, a man may make a pact with him such that in exchange for worldly goods and influence, the MAN does (conscious decision) things that would make him certainly destined for hell, but the devil cannot force one into hell, nor can he take someone’s soul from him (by force or otherwise). Where the soul ends up is based solely on the man. So all those stories about the devil showing up at the end of one’s life (look up Mephistopheles for example) to take away someone’s soul to hell is pure B.S.